A Brief History of Thomas W.
Bree (b. 1844 in Mass.)
There is no mention of Bree in the San Francisco Census of 1850 or 1860. He first appears in the 1864 SF Directory as a machinist working with his father for Theodore Kallenberg. At this time his younger brother is working as a cigar maker. By 1867 he is living near his brother and also working as a cigar maker. In 1868 he is listed as a Vocalist at the ALHAMBRA Theater and in 1869 as a "Minstrel" there. Perhaps the cigar business wasn't great because the 1870 Census lists him as a music teacher. At this time he is living at home with his parents, brother and sister. This is his first permanent address in four years. His father and brother are "brass finishers" The 1871 SF Directory lists him as a musician. In 1872 he is an Actor at the Bella Union Theater. 1873 lists him as a Musical Instruments
Manufacturer(!) and 1874 as an
In 1875 and 1876 we find the Thomas W. Bree Co., brass founders, finishers and silver platers and Musical Instrument Makers. He is there with his father and brother. The 1876 Directory also lists T.W.Bree
& Co. under Musical Instrument- Makers
The 1877 Directory has the Bree company as brass founders and electroplaters, and separately under Musical Instruments-Makers and Repairers. 1878 has Thomas W. Bree again as minstrel at the Bella Union Theater. 1879 has him as Teacher Banjo and Actor at Bella Union Theater. The company is still listed as Musical Instrument-Makers and Repairers. Jumping to 1889 Bree is a "Teacher mandolin, guitar & banjo & manufacturer musical instruments" and the same in 1890. The 1900 Census lists Bree as a Teacher of Music. Sadly, the 1910 Census has him widowed
and an "inmate" of a relief home